Generals & Rulers

Обзор игры Generals & Rulers
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What would be the strategy if we remove all the grind, all the boring annoying actions, and leave only strategy and tactics? We were curious and as a result, we got Generals & Rulers. Try it now!
Generals & Rulers is a game from Hamsters Gaming company, developed for the PC platform. The project combines genres and elements such as strategy and sandbox. Additionally, players highlight features such as strategy, indie, history, and medieval times. The game is designed only for multiplayer gaming in modes like "multiplayer" and "massively multiplayer."
The game is distributed worldwide through a one-time purchase model. The game is directly published by Hamsters Gaming company. At the moment, the game is in the launched stage, with the release date set for 31.05.2019. Generals & Rulers cannot be downloaded for free as it is distributed through a one-time purchase model.