Escape From The BadTrip Episode 1

Обзор игры Escape From The BadTrip Episode 1
Immerse yourself in a world where there are knights and moonshine... wait, what?! Oh, congratulations! You have entered the world of BadTrip! In this world, there will be knights, moonshine, and the one and only Anatoliy Ivanovich! You are about to find out how you ended up in this world and why this person is connected to it.
Escape From The BadTrip Episode 1 is a game developed by Paly Games Studio for the PC platform. The project combines genres and elements such as adventure. Additionally, players highlight features such as spectacular battles, adventure, mysterious dungeons, and exploration. The game is designed for single player, multiplayer modes are not provided.
Worldwide, the game will be distributed as a one-time purchase model. The game is published directly by Paly Games Studio. Currently, the game is in development stage. Escape From The BadTrip Episode 1 cannot be downloaded for free as it is distributed as a one-time purchase model. The game supports the Russian language.