L'Angolo Di Farenz - Avventure Vampiresche

Обзор игры L'Angolo Di Farenz - Avventure Vampiresche
В игре "Avventure Vampiresche" персонаж Фаренц сталкивается с утренними препятствиями в эпической гонке через Кремону в 5 утра! Уклоняйтесь от уток, клубков бумаги, бегунов и многого другого, чтобы закрыть кольца вовремя! Приготовьтесь к беспокойному и приятному опыту! "Avventure Vampiresche" by L'Angolo Di Farenz is a game by Vincenzo Talarico, developed for the PC platform. The project combines genres and elements such as action and arcade. Players highlight features of the game such as action, adventure, arcade, and action-adventure. The game is designed for single-player gameplay, with no multiplayer modes. The game is distributed worldwide on a one-time purchase model. Birbone Games is the publisher of the game. Currently, the game is in the launched stage, with a release date of 17.07.2023. L'Angolo Di Farenz — Avventure Vampiresche cannot be downloaded for free as it follows a one-time purchase model.